API Development

Dreamz API Development involves the development of an Application Program Interface (API) that provides third-party developers with access to the Dreamz platform. The API will allow developers to integrate their applications and services with Dreamz and enable customers to interact with the platform in a more efficient and secure manner. The API will enable developers to integrate their applications with Dreamz and provide customers with secure access to the services and features offered by Dreamz.

Reduce Cost Build Faster

API development is important because it enables companies to share data and services with other applications and users. APIs are essential for efficient and effective communication between different applications and services, allowing them to interact and exchange data in an organized and secure manner. They also help to streamline the development process by allowing developers to quickly and easily access the resources they need.

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From startups to Fortune 500+ companies and organization, our IT solutions have helped world-famous brands realize the power of digitalization in business growth. Sustainability is a core element of our business process besides continuous evolvement. By leveraging years of experience and tech. We help enterprises embrace change and reinvent business models in the era of cloud and data intelligence.

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API Integration Services

API Services are a type of web service that enables communication between two separate applications. They enable applications to access data and functionality from other applications, without having to know anything about the underlying architecture or programming language. APIs enable developers to quickly and easily connect applications, without having to build complex custom integration. APIs are used for a variety of tasks, such as providing access to third-party web services, creating custom back-end services, and providing access to databases.

Custom API Development

Custom API development helps businesses create solutions that are tailored to their specific needs. It’s a process that involves developing APIs from scratch, or customizing existing APIs to meet the needs of the business. The process of custom API development involves creating the API architecture, designing the API endpoints, and integrating the API with the necessary systems. It also includes testing the API to ensure it meets the business’s requirements and that the data is secure and reliable.

Third-party API Integrations

Third-party API integrations allow businesses to easily access data, functionality and services from external sources. This type of integration helps businesses build complex systems and expand their capabilities in a cost-effective and timely manner. Examples of third-party API integrations include payment gateways, social media data, email services, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and more.

API Testing Automation

API testing automation is the process of using automated scripts and tools to test application programming interfaces (APIs) to ensure they are functioning correctly. It is an important part of the software development life cycle (SDLC) and can help ensure that APIs are functioning properly, performing optimally, and are secure. By automating API testing, developers can save time and money, reduce the number of manual testing cycles, and increase the quality of the product.

Payment API Integration

We provide secure, reliable, and hassle-free Payment API integration services to businesses of all sizes. Our experienced and certified developers can help you integrate your existing payment gateway or develop a new one that meets your requirements. Our Payment API integration services include features such as payment processing, fraud prevention, credit card and debit card processing, bank transfer processing, and more. We have extensive experience in integrating various payment solutions including PayPal, Stripe, Authorize.net, and many more.

Web Application API Development

Web Application API Development is the process of developing application programming interfaces (APIs) for web applications. An API is a set of protocols, routines, and tools for building software applications. It defines how different components of a web application interact with each other. Web application APIs provide a way for web applications to interact with other web applications, web services, and databases. They are commonly used to integrate web applications with external systems, such as payment processors, social media platforms, and third-party services. They also provide an easy way for developers to add features and functionality to their web applications.

Cloud API Services

Cloud API Services are web services that allow applications to access cloud-based applications and data. They allow organizations to access cloud-based services, such as databases, storage, compute, and analytics, without having to install and manage the underlying infrastructure. Cloud API Services are a key component of cloud computing, allowing applications to access and interact with cloud-based services through a set of programming interfaces and protocols.

API Integration Development Life Cycle (APIDLC)


API driven approach

An API-driven approach means using an application programming interface (API) to interact with an application, platform, or service. This approach allows developers to build applications without having to manage the underlying infrastructure. APIs provide a layer of abstraction between the application and the underlying platform, making it easier to integrate new features and capabilities.


REST API Development

REST API Development is the process of creating an interface that allows applications to communicate with one another over the Internet using web services. This type of interface allows for the exchange of data between applications in a structured and consistent way. The development of a RESTful API requires a deep understanding of the system being developed and the technologies used to create it. It also requires an understanding of the data structure, authentication and authorization methods, and the communication protocols used by the system.


Simple Access Object Protocol

The Simple Access Object Protocol (SOAP) is an XML-based protocol that enables computers to communicate with each other over the internet. SOAP is used to provide web services, which allow applications to communicate with each other over the internet. SOAP messages are sent using the HTTP protocol or other protocols such as SMTP. SOAP messages are typically used to request or provide data from a web service. SOAP is designed to be platform-independent, meaning that it can be used on any operating system or programming language.



XML-RPC is a remote procedure call protocol that uses XML to encode its calls and HTTP as a transport mechanism. It is a very simple protocol that defines how a client can call a remote server procedure. XML-RPC is platform independent, language independent and can be used in combination with most programming languages and environments.



JSON-RPC is a remote procedure call protocol encoded in JSON. It is a light-weight protocol designed for making remote procedure calls over the internet. The protocol defines a way for a client to call a procedure on a server and receive a response. JSON-RPC is used to make requests from a client to a server and is typically used in web-based application development, where the client and server are separated by a web server.


Maintenance & Support

Maintenance and support is the process of providing ongoing technical assistance and troubleshooting for a product or service. This includes services such as troubleshooting software and hardware problems, providing updates, and providing training and education on new features. Maintenance and support may be provided by either the manufacturer or a third-party provider.