WordPress Development Company

Dreamz is a WordPress development company that specializes in creating custom WordPress websites for businesses. We are a team of experienced and highly skilled WordPress developers who use the latest technologies and industry best practices to create the best possible WordPress websites for our clients. We offer a variety of services including custom theme design and development, plugin development, website optimization, SEO, and more.
wordPress Development Company

WordPress is the most popular CMS based

WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) in the world, powering more than 34% of all websites on the internet. It is a free, open-source platform that enables users to easily create and manage a website or blog. WordPress is used by businesses of all sizes and has a wide range of features, making it the perfect platform to build a website or blog. WordPress is highly customizable, allowing users to create a unique website or blog tailored to their specific needs. It is also user-friendly and easy to learn, making it a great option for beginners.

Reasons To Count On Us

From startups to Fortune 500+ companies and organization, our IT solutions have helped world-famous brands realize the power of digitalization in business growth. Sustainability is a core element of our business process besides continuous evolvement. By leveraging years of experience and tech. We help enterprises embrace change and reinvent business models in the era of cloud and data intelligence.

Fortune Companies
Project Delivered

What we offer

Dreamz offers a range of features to help merchants build and manage their online stores on Shopify.

Customizable themes

WordPress custom theme development is a process of creating a website design tailored to the specific needs of a client. It involves creating a unique design that is tailored to the client’s needs and preferences. To create a custom theme, a theme developer will first create a child theme based on an existing WordPress theme. The custom theme will usually require custom coding, such as PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The end result is a unique, custom WordPress theme that fits the client’s needs and preferences.

Powerful ecommerce tools

WordPress Responsive website design is an approach to website design and development that allows for a website to adjust its layout and content according to the size of the device it is being viewed on. This means that the website will automatically adjust to the size of the user’s device, whether it is a desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone. This ensures that users have an optimal experience regardless of the device they are using to access the website. This type of design is becoming increasingly important as the number of mobile users continues to grow.

Analytics to track sales

WordPress eCommerce integration is the process of connecting your existing WordPress website to an eCommerce platform such as Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, or Magento. By integrating your WordPress website with an eCommerce platform, you can create an online store where customers can purchase products directly from your website. This integration also allows for a seamless experience for customers, as they can easily navigate between your WordPress website and your store.

Tools for marketing and customer service

WordPress is a great platform for integrating social media into your website. With a variety of plugins and tools available, you can easily add social media accounts, share buttons, and more to your WordPress site. When it comes to integrating social media with WordPress, the most popular solution is the Jetpack plugin. It offers a variety of features, such as the ability to automatically post your content to social media accounts, add social media follow buttons, and display a publicize widget on your site.

multiple languages and currencies

A web application firewall (WAF) can help protect your WordPress website from malicious attacks and potential vulnerabilities. A WAF works by filtering and monitoring inbound traffic for malicious requests and blocking any malicious activity. Keeping WordPress and its plugins up-to-date is essential for security. Outdated plugins and themes can lead to security vulnerabilities that can be exploited. It’s important to regularly check for updates and install them as soon as possible.

SEO Friendly

Installing a SEO plugin such as Yoast SEO or All in One SEO Pack can help you easily optimize your website’s content for search engines. These plugins provide an easy to use interface that allows you to easily add meta tags, generate sitemaps, and more. Using a theme that is optimized for SEO is a must. There are plenty of SEO friendly WordPress themes available. These themes are designed to be optimized for search engines and make it easier to implement SEO best practices.

WordPress Development Analysis



Identifying the goals and objectives of the website, researching the target audience, and selecting the type of content management system (CMS) to use. Tell us about your requirements for building personal websites, business websites, or blogs. Our WordPress developers create cutting-edge WordPress websites according to your needs.



Creating a website design that is aesthetically pleasing and easily navigable. Be it any type of business domain and size, our custom WordPress development services offer custom WordPress websites that fit your unique business requirements. Our decades of experience in website development enable us to leverage features of WordPress such as flexibility



Setting up the WordPress site, installing themes and plugins, and customizing the code to meet the client’s needs. WordPress development involves creating custom themes and plugins for the platform, as well as customizing existing themes and plugins to meet specific needs. 



WordPress website testing involves testing the functionality, design, layout, and user experience of a WordPress website. Testing should be done by a knowledgeable professional to make sure that the website meets the user’s needs and expectations. Layout testing to make sure the website’s structure is easy to navigate and understand. Performance testing to make sure the website is loading quickly and efficiently.



Before making any changes to your WordPress site, it is important to backup all the site files and the database. This is to ensure that you have a backup of the original files in case something goes wrong during the deployment process. Optimizing your images is important for reducing the load time of your website. You should use an image optimization plugin such as WP Smush or EWWW Image Optimizer to automatically compress and optimize your images.



WordPress website maintenance involves a variety of tasks, such as regularly updating plugins and themes, creating backups, monitoring website performance, and more. This maintenance is important to ensure that your website is secure, optimized, and running smoothly. It also helps you avoid any potential issues and ensure your website is up-to-date with the latest security patches. Additionally, website maintenance helps you keep content fresh and relevant, as well as make sure all links are working properly.